IS 553.A Coordination between Water Utilities and Emergency Management Agencies Exam Questions

Questions to IS-553.A: Coordination between Water Utilities and Emergency Management Agencies. Study for the final exam, then check out our FEMA IS 553.A Answer Key.

__________ are intrastate networks of “utilities helping utilities.”

A. Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC)

B. Water and Wastewater Agency Response Networks (WARNs)

C. Emergency management agencies (EMAs)

D. National Emergency Management Association (NEMA)

What is the best way to coordinate between the water sector and emergency services sector to help water utilities stay familiar with EMAC procedures and protocols? 

A. Conducting joint trainings and exercises with EMA and water sector personnel

B. Notifying law enforcement of suspicious activity

C. Contacting neighboring water and wastewater utilities

D. Updating an emergency response plan

Public water systems are classified according to all of the following except: 

A. The water source

B. Length of pipes distributing water

C. Whether they serve customers year-round or on an occasional basis.

D. The number of people served

EMAC is aimed at helping states improve their own: 

A. Emergency response systems

B. Non-emergency response systems

C. Disaster reimbursement process

D. Public communication strategies

AWIA Section 2013 encourages water utilities and EMAs to coordinate during ERP development to help: 

A. Prevent or minimize community-wide impacts

B. Predict community-wide impacts

C. Coordinate on releases of hazardous chemicals

D. Determine the local or regional evacuation plan

The emergency services sector includes all of the following except: 

A. City police department

B. Fire department

C. Town public works department

D. Critical manufacturing industries

The scope of emergency response depends on several factors, except: 

A. Magnitude of the event

B. Potential threat to citizen safety

C. Cause of the event

D. Duration of the event

Exchanging contact information prior to an incident can: 

A. Enhance communication during an emergency

B. Implement EMAC

C. Slow down recovery after an emergency

D. Prevent joint messaging

The water sector may rely on which of the following emergency services during an emergency? 

A. Emergency management agencies, law enforcement personnel, public health officials and fire department

B. Emergency management agencies, hospitals, emergency shelters and food closets

C. Law enforcement personnel, first responders, water and wastewater operators

D. Fire departments, water and wastewater operators, environmental health and safety experts

The type of shared information for joint messaging includes all of the following except: A. Strategies and plans for recovery

B. Specific resource needs

C. Changes in service levels

D. Security information about a water or wastewater utility

Which emergency service is at risk without water services? 

A. Manufacturing and critical operations

B. Residences

C. Businesses and schools

D. Fire suppression services

Water and wastewater utilities should notify law enforcement when they notice the following: 

A. Abandoned items

B. Routine or scheduled deliveries

C. Planned facility tours

During and after an emergency, the continuation of water and wastewater services is vital. The best practices outlined in this training can help EMAs and water utilities coordinate their preparation and response to emergencies. What are the action items associated with Building Relationships? 

A. Grant access credentials to water and wastewater utility staff to enable response and recovery activities during an emergency.

B. Share contact information and invite EMAs or water and wastewater utilities to respective emergency planning meetings and for tours of facilities.

C. Share consistent messaging with the community.

D. Share critical asset information with law enforcement

Which of the following statements is NOT true about the water sector and emergency services sector interdependencies? 

A. As lifeline sectors, the water sector and emergency services sector ensure the resilience, safety and rapid recovery of their communities.

B. The emergency services sector is a network of services, including EMAs, that provide functions such as law enforcement, emergency management, fire and hazardous materials services.

C. The water sector does not rely upon emergency services when responding to incidents.

D. Increasing coordination between the water and emergency services sectors is vital to mitigating the impact of future disasters on water and wastewater utilities, and the communities they serve.

An Emergency Operations Center will coordinate efforts to do all of the following except: A. Secure utilities and lifelines

B. Open roads

C. Assess damage

D. Close businesses and schools

What can NOT be impacted by water or wastewater service disruptions? 

A. water facilities

B. Wastewater treatment facilities

C. Entire community including interdependent sectors like public health

D. Weather

Disaster response will first occur at the ___ level. 

A. Federal

B. State

C. Local

The CERRA Framework outlines three critical stakeholder groups. What access do emergency responders (e.g., law enforcement, fire fighters) require during an emergency? 

A. Access to enable response and recovery

B. Entry to expedite recovery

C. Access to conduct emergency operations

D. Access to evaluate private bussiness and industry operations

EMAs and water and wastewater utilities can share information on their emergency procedures and capabilities including all of the following except: 

A. How to request resources during an emergency

B. Generator and fuel supply needs

C. Mutual aid agreements

D. Map of service connections

Which of the following is NOT a coordination effort of the Emergency Operations Centers (EOCs)? 

A. Secure utilities and lifelines

B. Manage environmental and safety hazards

C. Open roads

D. Repair damage

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